6.10.12 Entry 1 – My Heart

6.10.12 Entry 1 – My Heart

     God I want to write. Writing is more than typing, it’s communicating through words to convince, to portray and share the deep things of my heart.

God you have been calling me for so long to start writing, I have no idea what you are going to do through it all. All I know is that I can trust you with my heart and that you are the only one who can understand me completely. You will never leave or forsake me and your promises are yes and amen. God you are mightier and stronger than I will ever be. I am so thankful that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is living and abiding in me. God I trust you to lead my words, to help guide my thoughts. Through you is life abundantly. Through you there is freedom. I thank you that Salvation is a free gift only what you have done through your son on the cross, then the resurrection and now we have access to you through what was done on the cross.

I feel I have so many things pulling at me. But I am amazed and overwhelmed on how much prayer really works. After church I was feeling overwhelmed with house work, I sent a text to a couple of my friends asking for prayer in regards of me being stressed with housework. And now an hour later The kids are napping and I only have a few things to accomplish and I will be free to just be a mom and love on my kids this afternoon. Thank you God that you do answer the prayers of your people.

I do feel your peace, your love, your understanding and guidance when I am obedient to your commands.

God I need your help, your wisdom, your grace to do the things you are calling me to do. I need the boldness and strength to not care what people may think or say through facebook or whatever. May I be consumed by your love and speak the truth. May I not hide what I believe in because I fear I may be judge by what others may think or say.

Like most people I want to have friends who believe in me, who encourage and help me along in my own personal goals and vice versa, doesn’t everyone? If I can’t be real and down to earth in my thoughts or opinions then maybe we weren’t meant to be close friends? And I am ok with that, I don’t need/have the energy to be friends with everyone as much as a social butterfly I am J. Everyone needs friends as the saying goes: You can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your friends nose.

Family is different – I am thankful for everyone in my family, because truth be told no matter what happens in this life, family will always be family – loving, supporting, honest and even hurtful at times. You can’t pick your family, but they are here so make the most of them!

So truth be told – I love God and that is not going to change. So of course what I write will have my raw heart, real experience, real convictions based on the Holy Bible. This is who I am and I’m not going to hide out of fear of what other people may think or say to me. And yes anytime a ‘religion’ is brought to the table it may come across as offensive or even un-sensitive at times, but not all the time if received with an open heart.

My reason for writing is because it helps me process and share my personal life with others, especially family. God is a part of my life and scripture will be to.

Whatever you believe, whatever you stand for in life – no one can take that away from you. You pick and choose every moment of your life in what your own belief system is. I can’t make choices for you or for my kids for that matter, sometimes I wish I could!

I am not perfect, I never will be. I am a mom weathering through the storms of life, just like some of you.

By His Grace,


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